100字的英语作文:My good friend and I
[01-07 14:32:20] 来源:http://www.77xue.com 小学英语作文 阅读:8899次
概要: Hi! I am Liang Shuaikang.I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl.We play games together in our school.On Saturday,we play basketball.On Sunday,we read books in the bookstore,then we drink orange juice.Every weekend we have a good time.
100字的英语作文:My good friend and I,标签:小学英语作文网,小学英语作文范例,http://www.77xue.com
Hi! I am Liang Shuaikang.I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl.We play games together in our school.On Saturday,we play basketball.On Sunday,we read books in the bookstore,then we drink orange juice.Every weekend we have a good time.
Tag:小学英语作文,小学英语作文网,小学英语作文范例,英语作文 - 小学英语作文
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