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What time is it?(人教版四年级上册)-教学教案

[04-17 03:59:23]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  小学四年级英语教案   阅读:8350
概要:Step 1 Warming up1. Make greetings.1) Nice to meet you.2) What day is it today?3) How do you feel today?2. Counting the numbers.1) Count from 0 to 10;2) Count from 11 to 19;3) Count from 20 to 100;Step 2 Presentation(CAI)1. Revision1) Show a clock. 2) Say the time of the clock.3) Say the time on CAI.2. Part 1 Listen, learn and act.1) Look at the pictures carefully.2) Listen to the tape.3) Learn some sentences;① It’s eight in Beijing. 在北京是八点。② It’
What time is it?(人教版四年级上册)-教学教案,标签:人教版四年级英语教案,pep四年级英语教案,http://www.77xue.com

  Step 1 Warming up

  1. Make greetings.

  1) Nice to meet you.

  2) What day is it today?

  3) How do you feel today?

  2. Counting the numbers.

  1) Count from 0 to 10;

  2) Count from 11 to 19;

  3) Count from 20 to 100;

  Step 2 Presentation(CAI)

  1. Revision

  1) Show a clock.

  2) Say the time of the clock.

  3) Say the time on CAI.

  2. Part 1 Listen, learn and act.

  1) Look at the pictures carefully.

  2) Listen to the tape.

  3) Learn some sentences;

  ① It’s eight in Beijing. 在北京是八点。

  ② It’s one in the UK. 在英国是一点。

  4) Listen again and read after it aloud.

  5) Ask some Ss to teach them.

  6) Read it together.

  Step 3 Drilling and practice

  1. Activity 3 Make a clock and talk about the time.

  1) Make a clock.

  2) Talk about the time.

  3) Make performance.

  2. EB.

  1) Finish the exercises;

  2) Check the answer.

  Step 4 Consolidation

  1. Read the dialogue together.

  2. Read and write the sentences:

  Model: Excuse me, what time is it?

  It’s ….

  Step 5 Homework

  1. Read the dialogue and try to recite it.

  2. Revise lesson 2.

  3. Preview lesson 3.

Lesson 3

  Step 1 Warming up

  1. Make greetings.

  1) Nice to meet you.

  2) What day is it today?

  3) How do you feel today?

  2. Counting the numbers.

  1) Count from 0 to 10;

  2) Count from 11 to 19;

  3) Count from 20 to 60;

  Step 2 Presentation(CAI)

  1. Revision

  1) Show a clock.

  2) Say the time of the clock.

  3) Say the time on CAI.

  2. Part 1 Read and write.

  1) Look at the pictures carefully.

  2) Fill in the blanks.

  3) Check the answer.

  ① one o’clock

  ② two o’clock

  ③ three o’clock

  ④ four o’clock

  4) Read the passage after T.

  5) Read it together.

  3. Part 2 Read and spell.

  1) Look at the pictures carefully;

  2) Read and spell the words;

  M  mango, milk, monkey.

  3) Ask some Ss to teach them;

  4) Find more words beginning with “F”:

  many, man, map, may, …

  Step 3 Drilling and practice

  1. Activity 4 Let’s play..

  1) Read the model;

  Model: Wolf, wolf, what time is it?

   It’s twelve. It’s time to eat you.

  2) Practice in groups freely.

  3) Make performances.

  2. EB.

  1) Finish the exercises;

  2) Check the answer.

  Step 4 Consolidation

  1. Read the dialogue together.

  2. Read and write the sentences:

  Model: Excuse me, what time is it?

  It’s ….

  Step 5 Homework

  1. Read the dialogue and try to recite it.

  2. Find 10 words beginning with “M”.

  3. Revise unit 8.

  4. Preview unit 9.
What time is it?(人教版四年级上册)一文由77xue教育网www.77xue.com搜集整理,版权归作者所有,转载请注明出处!

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