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英语 - Unit 1 My friends (Oxford English Book 3A)

[11-10 12:21:32]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  小学四年级英语教案   阅读:8885
概要: Invite individual students to say out.3.Pla the cassette for look and say .4.Students listen and repeat.5.Encourage students to talk about themselves in terms of size and sex, using the About me model. e.g., I'm a girl . I'm tall .I'm big etc. Invite some students to talkStep 4 Post- task Activity1.Play a guessing game . One. student is blind folded. The rest of class chooses a member which will describe himself / herself.
英语 - Unit 1 My friends (Oxford English Book 3A),标签:人教版四年级英语教案,pep四年级英语教案,http://www.77xue.com

Invite individual students to say out.

3.Pla the cassette for look and say .

4.Students listen and repeat.

5.Encourage students to talk about themselves in terms of size and sex, using the About me model.

e.g., I'm a girl . I'm tall .I'm big etc.

Invite some students to talk

Step 4 Post- task Activity

1.Play a guessing game . One. student is blind folded.

The rest of class chooses a member which will describe himself / herself.

The blindfolded student make guesses . The rest of the class confirms or denies the guess with yes /no .

2.Finish off workbook page 1.

a.Explain : Tick

b.Read 1 and 2 on page 10.

c.The students complete 3 and 4.

d. The students trace and write in the missing words and tick the cornet boxes.

e.Students draw their pictures in the panel and complete th description .

Step 5 Consolidation

1.At this stage Grammar practice Book 3A page 12

could be used to practice and consolidate the

language in this section further .


a.Copy nw words for three times

b.Read the text on page 15 for twice

Ⅴ . Writing

Unit 1 My friends

tall short big small fat thin

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