This paper begins with a brief introduction to Chomsky’s methodology of idealization in linguistic research. Although the idealization in physical research from which Chomsky’s idealization deprives can still keep natural laws’ validity, the author points out Chomsky’s idealization is not accessible. The key point lies in the exclusion of social factors in his research. Then the author demonstrates the reason why Chomsky’s exclusion of social factors is not accessible from two aspects: (1) Language is a concrete system of signs. (2)Language is a social institution. Only in the context of society are these features significant and integrate, can language bear its form and forward its development and keep up the interaction with the society. Therefore instead of “being idealized” out of linguistic research, social factors should be regarded as the base of the research. Otherwise the object of the research will be totally changed and the research itself will be misguided. As for what factors can be temporarily idealized without changing language’s fundamental features? This is a question worth our further study in the future.
关键词: 理想化,符号系统,社会结构,语言与社会的相互作用
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