She was so cold that she based her satisfaction on others’ sufferings. In order to meet her needs she didn’t care about others’ feelings. Dickens continued:
(正文用Times New Roman, 四号字,与引文间空1行)
There were many women at that time, upon who the time laid a dreadfully disfiguring hand; but, there was not one among them more to be dreaded than this ruthless woman …It was nothing to her, that his wife was to be made a widow and his daughter an orphan; that was insufficient punishment, because they were her natural enemies and her pray, and as such had no right to live…[1] ( 引文为Times New Roman, 小四号字)
Here Madame Defarge became an inhuman and wild person and a bloody killer.
非文学类论文: 文中引文需作夹注, 即: (作者姓氏, 出版年:页码),正文与引文间需空1行。
We can know the relationship of language performance and metapragmatic awareness in Verschueren’s article:
The relationship between conceptualizations and practices of linguistic action, in spite of the surface reflection of some of its properties in patterns of lexicalization, is to be situated at the more subliminal level of metapragmatic awareness. It forms the basis of language and language use which are changed rarely within a given community. (Verschueren, 2000:197)
Once language ideologies constitute in the mind, metapragmatic awareness will stand in the leading place and control the speaker’s utterance automatically.
1.“大标题”的字型字号:Times New Roman,3号字,粗体,居中;“小标题”使用Times New Roman,4号字,粗体,左对齐;
2.“内容摘要”和“关键词”的字型字号:宋体(中文)或Times New Roman(英文)4号字;
3.“正文”的字型字号:Times New Roman,4号字;
4.“参考文献和引注”的字型字号:Times New Roman,小4号字;
6.具体格式:每页行数:32行;行跨度:22磅;栏数:1;页边距:上2.4cm, 下2.4cm, 左2cm, 右2.4cm;装订线:1cm;装订位置:左侧。
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