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[10-10 21:35:27]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  毕业论文格式   阅读:8574
概要: [3] Yang L J, Cui J L and Tang Y G. Rice Crop Science and Technology in Jiangsu Province[M]. Nanjing: Jiangsu Science & Technolkogy Publishing House, 1990. 83—84. (in Chinese) [4] Zhu J, Gale M D, Quarrie S, Jackson M T and Bryan G J. AFLP markers for the study of rice biodiversity[J]. Teor. Appl. Genet. 1998, 96. 602—611. [5] Palmer C E, Keller W A and Arnison P G. Experimental haploidy in Brassica species. In: Jain S M,

     [3] Yang L J, Cui J L and Tang Y G. Rice Crop Science and Technology in Jiangsu Province[M]. Nanjing: Jiangsu Science & Technolkogy Publishing House, 1990. 83—84. (in Chinese)

     [4] Zhu J, Gale M D, Quarrie S, Jackson M T and Bryan G J. AFLP markers for the study of rice biodiversity[J]. Teor. Appl. Genet. 1998, 96. 602—611.

     [5] Palmer C E, Keller W A and Arnison P G. Experimental haploidy in Brassica species. In: Jain S M, Sopory S K, Veilleux R E (eds), In Vitro Haploid Production in Higher Plants[M]. Vol.3.Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.143—172.

     [6]Jim.The Study of Sino-American Relation[M].New York,Addison-Wwsley,2005.

     [7]Jim.On Sino-American relation[J].Time,2005,(2).





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