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[10-10 21:39:18]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  个人简历模板   阅读:8737
概要:- Monitored and supported existing operations to meet targets in quality, quantity, cost and delivery.- Drove Lean manufacturing initiatives throughout manufacturing areas.- Implemented and maintained manufacturing quality systems.- Directed for new product development, sampling, testing and pilot running. - Led cross functional team to launch new products and met goals in quality, cost, productivity and capacity.- Supported and managed in

-  Monitored and supported existing operations to meet targets in quality, quantity, cost and delivery.

-  Drove Lean manufacturing initiatives throughout manufacturing areas.

-  Implemented and maintained manufacturing quality systems.

-  Directed for new product development, sampling, testing and pilot running.

-  Led cross functional team to launch new products and met goals in quality, cost, productivity and capacity.

-  Supported and managed in localization projects and worked with suppliers to resolve technical issues.

-  Coordinated and supported in marketing, sales, human resource, logistics and recruiting efforts.

-  Managed in maintaining good relationship with customers, suppliers and local officers.

 TechStyle Inc., Piedmont, South Carolina, USA. (1993-1995)
 Mechanical Engineer

-  Analyzed data to create and develop specifications and design concepts.

-  Applied computer aided design and drafting skills to design new products.

-  Performed kinematics and dynamics analysis as well as finite element analysis.

-  Made detailed and layout drawings, documented design records and bill of materials.

-  Worked with other engineers as a team to build prototypes.

-  Assembled and tested prototypes, made design alternation if necessary.

-  Modified and upgraded existing products for better performance.

Shangrao Automotive Company, Jiangxi, China (1990-1992)

Design Engineer

-  Hands-on machine operation and general practice.

-  Designed and developed tooling and fixtures.

-  Made detailed and assembly drawings.

-  Documented design records and created bill of materials.

-  Worked with other engineers as a team to build fixtures.

-  Assembled and tested fixtures, made design alternation if necessary.

-  Modified existing tooling and fixtures.

-  Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering  (May, 1995) - Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA.

-  Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering  (July, 1990) - Jiangxi Polytechnic University,  P.R.China.

-  Extensive Lean Manufacturing training by Mr. Nakao, Shiqijishu Consulting Firm (December, 1995)

-  Extensive Lean Manufacturing training by Mr. Nakao, Shiqijishu Consulting Firm (September, 1996)

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