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[10-10 21:39:18]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  个人简历模板   阅读:8529
概要:英文简历:通讯行业副总经理VincentMale / 1976.10HuKou:China BEIJINGCellphone: 136******Email: *****Person Brief1) Almost 8 years working experience in mobile industry.2) About 6 years worked in Foreign Enterprise, and be in charge of company or department for about 4 years.3) Good at sensitive for new concept, knowledge and idea, and also have excellent creativity.4) Good communication skill and excellent personal image.5) Strong interesting in Sports, Music,


Male / 1976.10


Cellphone: 136******

Email: *****

Person Brief

1) Almost 8 years working experience in mobile industry.

2) About 6 years worked in Foreign Enterprise, and be in charge of company or department for about 4 years.

3) Good at sensitive for new concept, knowledge and idea, and also have excellent creativity.

4) Good communication skill and excellent personal image.

5) Strong interesting in Sports, Music, History and Art which can make characteristic to be more successful.

Working Experience

2005.10-Now Sinord Tech CO., LTD

Job title: Vice President

Industry: Telecom,Mobile Phone

1) Working as Vice President to construct and manage the company.
In charge of the departments of hardware, software, industry design, mechanical design,marketing, manufacture and quality etc.

2) Lead the work for product roadmap,product definition, ID proposal, feature list etc.

3) Planning and manage the full schedule of mobile phone products and launch them in market.

4) Construct internal orgnization and process

5) Lead the cooperation with software,hardware vendors. Be familiar with wireless service implemetation.

Get the award for developing Acompli 388 phone. This phone is one of the most successful products in Motorola

1999.1-2000.7:Electronic Design Center of China IIM

Job title: Project Manager

Project Manager of China IOD System.

IOD mean Information on Demand. It uses current CATV network to broadcast the information (TEXT, PIC, Audio, Video etc) to the end user. I lead the team to design and develop Set Top Box which will connect to TV and CATV cable. And

1995.7-1999.7:Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering in UESTC


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