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[10-10 21:39:18]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  个人简历模板   阅读:8969
概要:• Developed and lead in-house customized load and regression testing tools using Java, XML/DOM, JSP, Servlet, and SSL;Research Scientist II, College of Computing, Georgia Inst. of Technology August 1997-April 2002• Teach courses in Computer Graphics, Advanced Computer Graphics, Data Visualization, Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Control, and plan financial supports and supervise day-to-day projects of 10+ graduate and undergraduate

• Developed and lead in-house customized load and regression testing tools using Java, XML/DOM, JSP, Servlet, and SSL;

Research Scientist II, College of Computing, Georgia Inst. of Technology                 
August 1997-April 2002

• Teach courses in Computer Graphics, Advanced Computer Graphics, Data Visualization, Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Control, and plan financial supports and supervise day-to-day projects of 10+ graduate and undergraduate students

• Co-author the visualization section of Information system Encyclopedia

• Cross-collaborate with colleagues from multiple schools and successfully granted for various cross-functional government research funds from NSF, ONR, DOD, DARPA, FEMA and etc.

• Supervised, managed and lead in designing state-of-the-art Virtual GIS (VGIS) which is used to interact and display high resolution terrain data in real-time on SGI, PC, and Linux, using VC++, OpenGL, X/motif, fuzzy detail management system and workbench

• Planned, managed and lead flight information control demo for Delta Corp

• Managed and implemented Client/Server NAVE system (mini CAVE), using VC++, OpenGL, and TCP/IP

• Analyzed and derived a fuzzy logic theory and structure which can guarantee the ultimate boundedness of tracking error signals of closed-loop system controlled by adaptive fuzzy logic controller, and proved on helicopter flight control simulator

Research Engineer in Software and Controls, MDC, Ingersoll-Rand Co.         August 1995-July 1997
• Lead and developed state-of-the-art Open Architecture Control to retrofit old machines to improve Ingersoll-Rand's leading and competitive ability using C/C++ and PLC, and managed codes & issues tracking
• Designed Computer Interface and Database of Integrated Process Management using VB, Access and Excel in Ingersoll-Rand
• Helped designing and developing New Generation Grinding Machine in Ingersoll-Rand Co. using VB, C and Access


Management: MicroEconomics, MacroEconomics, Corporate Strategy, Global

Strategy, IT Strategy,         Corporate Finance, Advanced Finance, M&A,

Marketing, Branding Management, Operational       Management, Competitive

Advantage, Decision Information Analysis, Accounting, Managerial      

 Accounting Organizational Behavior, Leadership, Negotiation,


Computer Languages:C#, Java, C/C++, VB.NET, Fortran, & Assembly

Operating Systems:Windows XP/2003, UNIX, IRIX, Linux

GUI Tools:OpenGL, X/Motif, SVE, Multigen, Adobe Photoshop, Graphics hardware

Other Skills:MS .Net Framework, OOD/OOP, MS IIS, MS SQL Server, ASP.NET,

ADO.NET, SharePoint,

Biztalk, Web Services, MS Team Test Suite/ACT, VSS, TFS, MS Reporting

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