Name: *****Chen
PR Visa in Australia
Nationality: Chinese
Electronic engineer
A stand member of Chinese Institution of Electron (CIE)
IEAUST member
Bachelor Degree of Engineering
University of Electronic Science & Technology of China 1988-1992
Major: Bio-medical engineering and instrumentation
Website: http://www.*******edu.cn
************** China Representative Office
May 2000 - 3rd Dec 2002
CTS Electronic Engineer
Website: http://www.***********com
********Representative Office
Product enhancement, component selection, insure qualification plans in place, develop plans to achieve the product cost targets, medical and laboratory instrumentation calibration, maintenance of all diagnostic and life-support systems and project engineering, software recommendation, installation and maintenance, customer support and service, failure analysis, support for all laboratory computer systems.
***** University, China
July 1992 - May 2000
Electronic Service Engineer
Website: http://www.*********.cn
The third Hospital of Jilin University (Previous Name : Norman Bethune University of Medical Science, now combined with Jilin University) Daily duties & Responsibilities:
1. Maintain and repair all clinical, diagnostic and biomedical in our hospital
2. Training Assistant for graduate and junior engineering classes
3. Publish papers about Electronic Instruments
4. Design exploitation of electronic Instruments, especially for medical applications.
On job training (with certificate):
1. Training of service engineer: Pressure steam disinfected apparatus.
2. Coulter JT-IR, T540 and ACT diff analyzers: Principle, Operation and Service
********************, May 2000.
3. Coulter MAXM analyzer with autoloader: Principle, Operation and Service
Beckman&Coulter laboratory system, Oct 2000.
4. Coulter ACT series training course.
Beckman&Coulter laboratory system, Feb 2001.
Teacher: Greg &Rod(U.S.A)
5. Coulter STKS training course.
Beckman&Coulter laboratory system, Mar 2001
Teacher: John Mickle (U.S.A)
6. Coulter Gen'S training course.
Beckman&Coulter laboratory system, Jan 2002
Teacher: Matthew A Baguio (Hong Kong)
Project, Finance and Contract Management:
I have had extensive project and financial management experience in my different roles over the past 10 years. My delivery of successful programs of research and my publication record demonstrate my ability to plan and complete work.
This experience has included:
1.Preparing budgets for research projects.
2.Managing staff and research teams including setting priorities for research, allocating and review of budgets.
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