[10-10 21:39:18] 来源:http://www.77xue.com 个人简历模板 阅读:8980次
概要:I’ve been in zhejiang province many time do the research on marketing. Sourcing products, Visit factories have very good relation with many factories. In Orkun Automotive, I in charge of everything, from customer inquiry to ship the products ,issue document. Manage a booth for spy products at the last canton fair, Canton Fair (100/102/103) I got lots of new ideas from customers during the Fair. The most import thing I learn from Lapton is c
I’ve been in zhejiang province many time do the research on marketing. Sourcing products, Visit factories have very good relation with many factories. In Orkun Automotive, I in charge of everything, from customer inquiry to ship the products ,issue document.
Manage a booth for spy products at the last canton fair, Canton Fair (100/102/103) I got lots of new ideas from customers during the Fair.
The most import thing I learn from Lapton is custom rules, from Orkun Automotive is sourcing new products and on the marking research 个人联系方式 通讯地址: 广州天河 联系电话: 137XXXXXXXXX 家庭电话: 手 机: QQ号码: 电子邮件: 个人主页:
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