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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8623
概要:September 2001- November 2001 NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION COUNCIL, Tanzania Assistant Consultant Reviewed training needs assessment for district engineers. Assisted in advisory services on tender evaluation and preparation of tender and contract documents. Prepared training programmes for labour-based and machine-based road work contractors.June 1999-September 1999 MINISTRY OF WORKS, Tanzania Structural Engineer Trainee (Internship) Assisted in the str

September 2001- November 2001 NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION COUNCIL, Tanzania
Assistant Consultant
Reviewed training needs assessment for district engineers. Assisted in advisory services on tender evaluation and preparation of tender and contract documents. Prepared training programmes for labour-based and machine-based road work contractors.

June 1999-September 1999 MINISTRY OF WORKS, Tanzania
Structural Engineer Trainee (Internship)
Assisted in the structural design of the four-storey UNHCR building. Prepared contract documents, bills of materials, and estimates for UNHCR building.

June 1998-September 1998 KONOIKE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, Tanzania
Civil Engineer Trainee (Internship)
Assisted in the supervision of road work, which include material and work scheduling, setting out of roadway alignment, structural concrete and pavement works.

Florida State University, Traffic Engineering Lab, Tallahassee, FL, 2003- to date
Teaching Assistant to Dr. Renatus Mussa.
Assisted in preparation of the course notes, homework, term design projects, tutoring students
Causes assisted: TTE 3004-Transportation Engineering, TTE5305-Traffic Engineering, TTE 5805-Highway Geometric Design, TTE 5256-Traffic Operations

• Evaluation of the relevance of minimum speed limit on Interstate highways in Florida (2002-04)
• Geometric design of Orange Avenue Extension(2002)
• Geometric design of Blair Stone NE extension. (2004)
• Operational and safety evaluation of Tennessee/Capital Circle Intersection (2002)
• Operational and safety evaluation of Railroad/ Gaines Intersection(2003)
• Corridor analysis of Gaines street (2003)
• Traffic warranty study at Bellevue/Lipona Intersection(2003)


Statistical Packages: SAS, STATA, S-Plus

Traffic Simulation Packages: SYNCHRO PRO, CORSIM, HCS, VISSIM, TRANSYT 7F
GIS Packages: ArcView, ArcGIS

CAD Packages: AutoCAD, Microstation

Highway Design Packages: Autodesk Land Desktop Development, Eagle Point, Inroads/GEOPAK.

Urban Transportation Modeling Packages: Cube Voyager

Data Management Packages: MS ACCESS, MS EXCEL

Programming Languages: C++, Java, Paschal, Prolog, Matlab, SQL, HTML

Other Applications packages: MS office XP, Macromedia, Lindo, MS Project, MS Publisher, Front Page


Muchuruza, V., Mussa, R., and Thuo, G. Estimating the Likelihood of Traffic Conflicts and Crashes Using Cellular-Based Micro-simulation, submitted for review at Journal of Transportation Research Board.

Muchuruza, V., Thuo,G., and Mussa, R.. Simulation and Evaluation of Cellular-Based Traffic Model. Submitted for review at The Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Journal.

Muchuruza, V and Mussa, R. Cellular Based Traffic Micro-Simulation: Kinematical Approach. Submitted for review at ASCE Journal of Transportation.

Mussa R, and Muchuruza, V. “Safety Analysis of Florida Rural Interstate Freeway Travel in Relation to the 40 MPH Minimum Speed Regulation” ASCE Journal of Transportation (Article in Press, 2006).

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