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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8671
概要:The ability to work and other expertise Language ability % 26 # 61656; have heard some English reading and writing skills. % 26 # 61656; able to read and a good English translation of professional information, dissertation abstracts written in English. % 26 # 61656; has a strong language ability and the ability to communicate with others, have a stronger capacity to convince Computer level % 26 # 61656; related courses: basic computer and applica

The ability to work and other expertise
Language ability
% 26 # 61656; have heard some English reading and writing skills.
% 26 # 61656; able to read and a good English translation of professional information, dissertation abstracts written in English.
% 26 # 61656; has a strong language ability and the ability to communicate with others, have a stronger capacity to convince
Computer level
% 26 # 61656; related courses: basic computer and applications, C language, AutoCAD and Oringin series of data processing software, CAD software applications master proe.
% 26 # 61656; can use a simple C language applications.
% 26 # 61656; familiar with Windows, can skilled use of office software office.
% 26 # 61656; familiar with Internet applications, to effectively use the Internet resources.

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