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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8828
概要:2007-09 2009-07 control South China University of Technology Institute of the Public Reading MBA in Marketing Language ability Foreign Languages: English well Mandarin level: the level of proficiency in Cantonese: proficient The ability to work and other expertise 1, familiar with the planning and implementation of marketing, sales team training, the shop in charge of training, planning and implementation of exhibitions, print media pla
2007-09 2009-07 control South China University of Technology Institute of the Public Reading MBA in Marketing
Language ability
Foreign Languages: English well
Mandarin level: the level of proficiency in Cantonese: proficient
The ability to work and other expertise
  1, familiar with the planning and implementation of marketing, sales team training, the shop in charge of training, planning and implementation of exhibitions, print media planning and implementation issues;
2, the brand planning, the operation of franchise systems, market research, legal process, official familiar with the writing;
3, familiar with the brand promotion, market planning, channel development;
4, a pioneering and creativity, can be carried out assessment and analysis of customer, there is the experience of joining the regional investment;
Detailed personal autobiography
  A positive attitude, team spirit, conscientious and responsible, independent initiative, critical thinking.

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