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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8349
概要: Architectural Decoration in an increasingly competitive industry, if it can not continue to broaden their knowledge areas, the courage to accept new challenges, will be Amoy. The so-called life-long learning, I will keep making progress! At work, I pay attention to the quality and strength of the team, after all, a person's strength is limited. Only by relying on the team, playing the advantage of individuals bring greater benefits. Spa

   Architectural Decoration in an increasingly competitive industry, if it can not continue to broaden their knowledge areas, the courage to accept new challenges, will be Amoy. The so-called life-long learning, I will keep making progress! At work, I pay attention to the quality and strength of the team, after all, a person's strength is limited. Only by relying on the team, playing the advantage of individuals bring greater benefits.

   Spare time willing to participate in various health activities, physical exercise and maintain good mental state to meet the intense study and work needs.

    I am determined to overcome the future difficulties and challenges, and your company work together勇攀高峰. I am confident that I can create wealth for your company to increase together with the light shining.    个人联系方式

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