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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8135
概要:99 October to 12 months, with others thought to operate a video shop. From familiar with the operation of the new company created a series of processes to get a very good exercise. 98 years in October to 99 years in May, part-time Instant-Dict in Hangzhou, a sales representative for their campus. To sell their products on campus made a series of programs (including products, quality assurance measures, etc.), after the implementation of the promo
99 October to 12 months, with others thought to operate a video shop. From familiar with the operation of the new company created a series of processes to get a very good exercise.
98 years in October to 99 years in May, part-time Instant-Dict in Hangzhou, a sales representative for their campus. To sell their products on campus made a series of programs (including products, quality assurance measures, etc.), after the implementation of the promotion of the company and the feelings of students to campus to meet the company's total retail sales of 1 / 3 to make it on the retail the amount of growth from 70,000 to about 100,000.

Work expectations:

In society through training and work of the association at school, I developed a good communication skills, leadership ability, learning ability and team spirit. Because I can face the difficulties and accept the challenge, together with the establishment of market development and customer relations have a strong interest and experience, combined with their practical and Procter & Gamble set up the corporate sector understanding of the situation. For candidates of the CBD or the P & G PS sector.

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