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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8408
概要:Alibaba B2B platform to use to pay for Inquiry, concise resume, which includes price, delivery and basic product information. Multiple e-mail and telephone follow-up appropriate. Proof: According to customers request, arranged in a timely manner. Samples after the completion of double-check for good packaging and timely delivery, e-mail notice of the guests. Sample order tracking to production, into the workshop to check the progress of product q
Alibaba B2B platform to use to pay for Inquiry, concise resume, which includes price, delivery and basic product information. Multiple e-mail and telephone follow-up appropriate.
Proof: According to customers request, arranged in a timely manner. Samples after the completion of double-check for good packaging and timely delivery, e-mail notice of the guests.
Sample order tracking to production, into the workshop to check the progress of product quality and production to ensure timely delivery.
Language ability
Grasp the extent of Language name
English proficiency

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