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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8122
概要:  Main Course: International Trade Practice、BE conversation、BE Writing、BE Negotiation、Translation、Interpretation etc. WORK EXPERIENCE 2007.02—2009.07 SYRIA LAMPAR INTERNATIONAL TRADING Co.Ltd merchandiser Deal with international trade, main market is middl
 Main Course: International Trade Practice、BE conversation、BE Writing、BE Negotiation、Translation、Interpretation etc.

WORK EXPERIENCE                                                                   
2007.02—2009.07 SYRIA LAMPAR  INTERNATIONAL  TRADING  Co.Ltd       merchandiser
         Deal with international trade, main market is middle-east asia
         Seach the competitive price & high quality products and reliant suppliers for our overseas customer .
         chase up on order,check quality , made sure in time shipment.
         Making commercial invoice and packing list according to L/C or shipping’s requirement,then contacting the forwarder for booking space,checking the B/L  etc.
         Can complete the whole process  independently. Satisfied customer

2001.02—2003.02 GUANGZHOU YIPONG TEXTILE CO.LTD         merchandiser
 Deal with cotton fabric
 Made sure the material on time to the customer,let garment factory can manufacture on schedule
 Quality control strictly,reduced cost made excellent quality and workable price

 2004   Annual Excellent Staff in Kalutes company

LANGUAGE & IT Skills                                                                    
 Test For English Majors (TEM) Grade 4.
 Fluent oral English, Good at Business English interpreting.
 Good Mastery of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.

 Singing、Badminton Address:   Work Tel:   Home Tel:   Mobile Phone:   msn/QQ:   Email:   Web/Blog:  

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