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[11-08 20:50:19]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8986
概要:4. In charge of coordinating among different departments and providing products training service.5. Engaged in products publication activities, including wording, photography, print, etc, and extending the products’ information timely and correctly.2000/09—2001/02:Zhongshan Hospital, Pediatrics Hospital etc.Industry: Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology Surgical Department, Medicine Department and etc. Doctor, Internal Medicine Responsibilit
4. In charge of coordinating among different departments and providing products training service.
5. Engaged in products publication activities, including wording, photography, print, etc, and extending the products’ information timely and correctly.

2000/09—2001/02:Zhongshan Hospital, Pediatrics Hospital etc.
Industry: Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology
Surgical Department, Medicine Department and etc. Doctor, Internal Medicine
Responsibilities & Achievements: Working as an internship.
Achievements: Doing excellent work in my internship and gain praises from the patients and doctors

Education background:

1997/09—2002/06: Medical Center of Fudan University (Former Shanghai Medical University) Basic Medicine Bachelor



2001/10Certification of intermediate interpreter

2001/01Nationwide Computer Level Test Band2


Language skill:

English: VERY GOOD

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