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[10-10 21:25:28]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  简历表格   阅读:8321
概要:3、具备良好的商务洽谈翻译能力;4、具有优秀的英语听、说、读、写能力 详细个人自传 本人性格开朗,乐观,具有良好的沟通能力和适应能力,吃苦耐劳的精神。心理承受能力强。具有良好的协调能力。工作认真负责,热爱外贸工作、翻译工作,富有工作热情,具有团队精神。为人随和,能与人友好相处,拥有良好的人际关系。希望自己在公司里能够充分发挥自己的才能,并用自己的专业知识及聪明才智为贵公司的发展尽绵薄之力! English Resume: ResumeName:Chen Yuhua /Joanne Chen Address: Guangzhou Telephone:13751788496E-mail:joannechenjune@hotmail.comPersonal Det
4、具有优秀的英语听、说、读、写能力  详细个人自传 本人性格开朗,乐观,具有良好的沟通能力和适应能力,吃苦耐劳的精神。心理承受能力强。具有良好的协调能力。工作认真负责,热爱外贸工作、翻译工作,富有工作热情,具有团队精神。为人随和,能与人友好相处,拥有良好的人际关系。

希望自己在公司里能够充分发挥自己的才能,并用自己的专业知识及聪明才智为贵公司的发展尽绵薄之力! English Resume:                           Resume

Name:Chen Yuhua /Joanne Chen
Address: Guangzhou

Personal Detail:
Sex:                 Female
Data of Birth:       July,1983
Nationality:         Chinese
Permanet Residence:  Qingyuan ,Guangdong
Marital Status:      Single
Health:              Good
Characters:          Responsible, adaptable ,optimistic, open-mindedness, and hard working
Hobbies:             Reading ,listening music and sports
Job Experience:
2004.6-2007  Guangzhou Flying Tiger Transport Agential Co.,Ltd.  

 Dealed with the office daily affairs.
 Responsible for the air & sea shipping space booking, quotation, export applying documents typing, goods tracking.
 Helped Foreign customer do the purchase in China, negotiated with the factory, assorted with the customer so that they both get win-win.(If the customers came to China, cooperated with them to do the purchase and translation .)
 Made the order, followed up the order, quality checked
2002.8-2004.5    Fenchris International Co.,Ltd.

 Dealed with the office daily affairs.
 Responsible for business affairs negotiation and translation.
 Helped customers do the purchase in China.
 Made the order, followed up the order, quality checked

Fluent in English, mandarin  and Cantonese

Special Skills:
a.Fluent in oral English and English writing & listening
b.Capable of coordinating and social communicating
c.Familiar with Microsoft Office ,such as Word and Excel
d.Familiar with the air & sea shipping handling

2007,5-2008,8  English First Education( Hult International Business School)
Subject:        Business English   Expected August 2008
               By now I’ve got Level 11 Pre-Advanced Certificate
2005.8-2006.1   Guangzhou JinQiao Languages Training Center

Subject:       Advanced Oral English

2004-Present    Guangdong Foreign language university

Major:          English (Study by myself ,and almost pass all the subjects.)

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