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[10-10 21:25:28]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  简历表格   阅读:8257
概要:Security Network. 2.Managed the build project of Guangzhou Municipal Education Network. 3.Managed the build project of GuangZhou Medical Insurance Network. 4.Project coordination in urgent case between customer and company. - 1999/10--2004/03:China unicom Corporation,GuangDong Branch Industry: Telecom & Network Equipment Engineering department Wireless Communication Engineer 1.Participated in build GSM wireless network in ShaoGuang and QingYua
Security Network.
2.Managed the build project of Guangzhou Municipal
Education Network.
3.Managed the build project of GuangZhou Medical
Insurance Network.
4.Project coordination in urgent case between
customer and company.


1999/10--2004/03:China unicom Corporation,GuangDong Branch
Industry: Telecom & Network Equipment  
Engineering department  Wireless Communication Engineer  
1.Participated in build GSM wireless network in
ShaoGuang and QingYuan, responsible for installing
and maintaining base station equipments.

2.In charge of build Customer Service System network
in Shao Guang and QingYuan.

3.Maintain individual computer system in my

1996/09--1999/07 Communications University in Guangzhou Computer Networking  Polytechnic  

Language Skills  
English  GOOD  


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