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[10-10 21:25:28]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  简历表格   阅读:8669
概要: Number of identification:441423198307178416 Address:Room1601 Department of Automobile construction Guangdong poly institute Postal code:528252 Photo number:13590635292 Email:wujialei-1984@163.com Date of availability:One week Objective To obtain a challenging position as a automobile maintaince engineer with an emphasice in automobile partment managing Education 2005.9---2008.9 Graduated in Automobile constructio
   Number of identification:441423198307178416
   Address:Room1601  Department of Automobile construction  
            Guangdong poly institute
   Postal code:528252
   Photo number:13590635292
   Date of availability:One week

  To obtain a challenging position as a automobile maintaince engineer with an emphasice in automobile partment managing

  2005.9---2008.9  Graduated in Automobile construction department            Guangdong poly  institute
  2002.9---2005.9  Huaqiao high shool Fengshun
  1999.9---2002.9  Fengshun first junior high school

Mechnical drafting Hydraulic press technique Automobile workplace safety
The structure of automative engine and repairing The structure of chassis and repairing The structure of electric and repairing
The structure of electrical control system and repairing Automobile checking and measuring technique
Automobile practical English Primary Japanese Art praise
Academic main courses

Computer abilities
 Be skilled in usingWINXP,WORD2003,EXCEL2003,PHOTOSHOP ,POWERPOINT  
 Language Skills
 Have a good command of both oral and written English,past CEST4
 Have a ability of Japanese in reading,writing,speaking
 Can speak a little Korean,understand the words who speak,primary Korean
 Work at school
 One of the peasons in charge of the English Club

 Words of summary
 I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume,and if there is any additional information you require,please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity to meet you for an personal interview.
 With many thanks    个人联系方式

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