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[10-10 21:25:28]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  简历表格   阅读:8130
概要:8、熟悉外贸流程,稍懂船务知识.能单独安排装柜和出柜. 详细个人自传 本人对工作认真负责,虽然不求做得最好,但必会追求更好。如有幸成为贵司的一员,我必会严格要求自己,为贵司鞠躬尽瘁,尽薄锦之力.希望您能给我一个机会,谢谢! English Resume: part-time job Regarding to my capability ,please notice the following :1.I have more than 2 year experience for foreign trade .Know all the precedure .2.I am familiar wit
8、熟悉外贸流程,稍懂船务知识.能单独安排装柜和出柜.    详细个人自传   本人对工作认真负责,虽然不求做得最好,但必会追求更好。
如有幸成为贵司的一员,我必会严格要求自己,为贵司鞠躬尽瘁,尽薄锦之力.希望您能给我一个机会,谢谢! English Resume: part-time job

Regarding to my capability ,please notice the following :

1.I have more than 2 year experience for foreign trade .Know all the precedure .
2.I am familiar with all the wholesale markets in guangzhou .Prefessional in lady shoes ,shoes material and lady bags market, I know the price very well .Have skill for negociation ,to balance supplier and customers .
3.Nice charactoristic and personality .Positive attitude to life .
4.Hope can have a chance to service you with my loyal heart .

Thanks for your time .Looking forward to your call .    个人联系方式

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