[10-10 21:25:28] 来源:http://www.77xue.com 简历表格 阅读:8429次
概要: 自20xx开始,我就一直从事外贸工作,从外贸单证到外贸业务,我对外贸工作越来越感兴趣。刚开招外贸单证工作时,由T/T开始,到最后熟练的掌握了L/C的操作,在这期间,阅读了大量关于国际贸易的书籍,对外贸有了进一步的了解。后来,由于公司人事调动,我则由单证转向了业务方面。做业务需要耐心与恒心,过程有时候会比较漫长,但是收获时的那份快乐,是无法比拟的。之前的单证工作,在与客户交流的时候也起到了辅助的作用。通过2年的学习与工作,我对外贸业务,公司的内部运作以及外贸流程有了深刻的认识。 English Resume: E_mail: zi.moon@163.com Mobile:137 2676 3801Daisy ChanObjective:To obtain a challenging position concerned with assistant, business, trade,
通过2年的学习与工作,我对外贸业务,公司的内部运作以及外贸流程有了深刻的认识。 English Resume: E_mail: zi.moon@163.com Mobile:137 2676 3801
Daisy Chan
To obtain a challenging position concerned with assistant, business, trade, secretary,translate and so on
2000.9-2004.7 Depts. International Trade, Shijiazhuang University of Economics
1997.9-2000.7 Wuxuan middle school, Guangxi
Academic main course:
Tourism English, Introduction to global economic environment, Grammar,
Write to communicate: Practical writing, Business, Advanced business English,
Sleeted reading in English and American literature, Management-based English,
Chinese-English translation, English-Chinese translation, Interpretation, Listen, Speaking, College English, Talk sides, Extensive reading, English through films
A Survey on Work Experience
2007.5 to 2008.2 Worded as a Sourcing in Guangzhou Optim Consult Co.,ltd
Sourcing, getting products on the internet and other ways, getting quotation from the manufacturer, price negotiation, quote preparation, contact with the factories and follow up the order.
2006.2 to 2007.3 Work as a merchandiser in Guangzhou Sanyang Electron Technology Co, LTD
1. Following the process of exports, and collect the products materials.
2. Establishing and keeping the website, eg, made in china, ec21, alibaba ect, changing the website context and dealing with the inquiry.
3. Attending the Canton Fair, and talking with customer, and know their needs ,following after return to office.
4. Meeting the visit customer and bring them to factory and confirm the details, and finally, consign the contract.
Work achievements: During my working, our companies begin to get the first oversea order, which is a history thing for our company. I established our export systems and make it perfect. I open the oversea market for our company.
2004.9-2005.12 Worked as a foreign trader in Guangzhou Team International Co, LTD
Daily work includes finding new customers, contacting with suppliers, tracking the order procession. Send the customers’ requirements to the factory, inspect the quality of the goods, and guarantee the goods delivered on time. Making the documents and Arranging packing, delivery as well as the payment, contacting the shipping agent, dealing with the custom clearance. According to the customers’ requirements make c/o, Form A, C/I, P/L and so on. Check and revise the B/L, carry out the L/C. During this working, I took part in the Foreigner trade courier, I well know how the factory and the foreigner trade process run..
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