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[10-10 21:24:44]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历表格   阅读:8752
概要: 我的个性稳重,是个有爱心且积极乐观的女孩子,为人诚恳;做事踏实细心、工作条理性强、工作技能娴熟,有较好的沟通协调能力;能承受一定的工作压力,具团队合作精神。备注:本人已婚已育,工作地点最好在黄埔区,棠下以东,经济开发区东区和西区工作,可包食宿及接受加班。 English Resume: MY RESUMEPosition Wanted:To obtain a position as international trade assistant/shipping clerk/marketing assistant/human resources assistant and so on civil servant.Personal Data:Name:Shulan Huang English Nam

备注:本人已婚已育,工作地点最好在黄埔区,棠下以东,经济开发区东区和西区工作,可包食宿及接受加班。 English Resume: MY RESUME

Position Wanted:
To obtain a position as international trade assistant/shipping clerk/marketing assistant/human resources assistant and so on civil servant.

Personal Data:
Name:Shulan Huang            English Name :Kelly         Sex:Female    
Age:26                      Height: 164 cm               Weight: 50kgs  
Marital Status :Married        Native Place: Zhuzhou city, Hunan  province , China  
Email:Kelly20460@sina.com  Mobil Tel:15914503681

Educational Background:
1999/9~2002/7     Hunan University of Commerce         Secretary of business&ecnomics    Associate

English Skills:
Have a good command of listening,reading,writing and speaking,be,able to communicate with foreigners face to face or email.

Computer Abilities:
Skilled in use of Windows / Office2000 and so on ordinary office software.

Self Assessment:
Optimistic and active;honest to others; circumspective and surefooted in working,good sense of order and practiced working
skill,good at studying to improve myself

Reading,Writing,Travel,Music, Mountain Climbing and so on.

Employment Experience :  
2005/5~2006/11   Great victory Electronics(H.K)Co.,Ltd
Position:International trade assistant  
Function:. Provide assistance to our department manager to deal with the daily things.

2004/03~2005/04  Dynamic System Electronics Corp.    
Position:Sales Executive    
Function: Popularizing our brand and products to our customers through the internet and opening up new marketto in the south of China..

2002/08~2004/02  PCM Electronics(Dongguan) Corp Ltd.
Position:Shipping Clerk    
Function:Making the relative documents before applying to customs and arrange import and export shipments.    个人联系方式

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