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[10-10 21:24:44]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历表格   阅读:8135
概要:Engaged in the study of the microprocessor system design and intelligent control. A net lab system based on microprocessor has been exploited. Ø 2002.7――2002.9 Zhejiang Communication Administration In charge of compiling teaching material for training employee Abilities: Ø Be accomplished in microprocessor of MCS51/96、PIC and have two yea

Engaged in the study of the microprocessor system design and intelligent control. A net lab system based on microprocessor has been exploited. 

Ø       2002.7――2002.9  Zhejiang Communication Administration 

In charge of compiling teaching material for training employee              


Ø       Be accomplished in microprocessor of MCS51/96、PIC and have two years experiences of studying microprocessor system.  Be familiar with PLC and DSP;

Ø       Be skilled enough in PROTEL to have circuit design;

Ø       Can program with assemble language、C51、C/C++ and VC.  Know VHDL;

Ø       Be skilled in machine design and can used AUTOCAD to design the machine system;

Ø       Be accomplished in computer network and protocol of TCP/IP. Know theory of GSM、GPRS and CDMA;

Ø       Fluent in English (reading/writing/listening/speaking), and have studied Japanese for two years.

Publication list:                                                            

1.       “A net laboratory system based on field bus”, Proceeding of 2002 international field bus control and management intergration conference and exhibition, 2002.5

2.       “Designing of the bank-tax network system based on Linux operating system”, application research of computers,2002.8

3.       “Study on Modeling Design of Mechanical Kinematics Scheme (MD-MKS) Based On Feature Function” will published by Journal of Agricultural Mechanical Engineer, 02/2003

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