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[10-10 21:24:44]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历表格   阅读:8328
概要: 2. Be as a interpreter when the oversea technique person visiting and have meeting with ours. 3. Make ALIBABA, MAKE IN CHINA, keep them new. 4. Attend CANTON Fair twice. 5. Keep in touch with customer, follow order till it closed. 6. During this time, daily use ERP system and attend the company training on sales and lighting techni
2. Be as a interpreter when the oversea technique person visiting and have meeting with ours.
3. Make ALIBABA, MAKE IN CHINA, keep them new.
4. Attend CANTON Fair twice.
5. Keep in touch with customer, follow order till it closed.
6. During this time, daily use ERP system and attend the company training on sales and lighting technique.  Reasons for leaving:   Educational Background Name of School: SJZ University of Ecnomics Highest Degree: Bachelor Date of Graduation: 2004-07-01 Name of Major 1: ENGLISH Name of Major 2:   Education experience: Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No 2000-09 2004-06 sjz university of economics foreigh trade TEM8   Language Ability Foreign Language: English Level: perfect Language ability: TEM8, good command of English, Mandarin Chinese level: excellent Cantonese Level: average Relevant skills and abilities   English and Computer abilities:
TEM8, good command of English, Mandarin.
CCT2, daily use WORD, EXCEL, PHOTOSHOP software.

familiar with inflatable games and lighting, furniture products.
familiar with SHENDE,GUANGZHOU market.
Familiar with the export process, can finish an order from the making web till close the order.
4. Good command of organizing, planning, cooperation , managing skills and bargaining as well. Self-recommendation letter     Address:   Work Tel:   Home Tel:   Mobile Phone:   msn/QQ:   Email:   Web/Blog:  

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