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[10-10 21:24:44]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  专业简历范文   阅读:8537
概要: Professional Experence KCCHAINA CO. 2001-2003 POWWOW AUDIO Limited 2003-2004 GOBLE Express 2005-Now Network Manager LAN Administrator,guarding against virus & hacker,network device setting.skillful mastering LAN configuration and VPN Setting.Offer abundant of technical support though Internet or phone while workmate on business trip. HARDWARE/SO

Professional Experence
KCCHAINA CO. 2001-2003
POWWOW AUDIO Limited 2003-2004
GOBLE Express 2005-Now

Network Manager
LAN Administrator,guarding against virus & hacker,network device setting.skillful mastering LAN configuration and VPN Setting.Offer abundant of technical support though Internet or phone while workmate on business trip.
Skilful with setting up computer,be able to judge the bug of computer and overcome it without delay,practiced with Microsoft System(WINNT,WIN2K,WINXP)and Microsoft Office,have rich experience in a few office software,keep Printer work well.
Operation Assistant
While working in POWWOW AUDIO Limited cooperating and solving the early days of establishment of companies,purchasing and decoration of offices,designing catalog of the company'products,building up website,production of the factories' manufactures ,packaging after the production,handing with the freight transporting.    个人联系方式 通讯地址:   联系电话:   家庭电话:   手  机:   QQ号码:   电子邮件:   个人主页:  

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