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[10-10 21:24:44]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  专业简历范文   阅读:8330
概要:In August, 2007, I got a job as a teacher in a primary school. When I enter the primary school, I know that, maybe different jobs need different skill, but all of them need a thing, its patience! I enjoyed having classes with them, because I also need to learn a lot of things. I would like them to listen to me and understand me clearly. They’re all very pretty, and I love them very much. Now I am trying my best to improve myself. Though I didn
In August, 2007, I got a job as a teacher in a primary school. When I enter the primary school, I know that, maybe different jobs need different skill, but all of them need a thing, its patience! I enjoyed having classes with them, because I also need to learn a lot of things. I would like them to listen to me and understand me clearly. They’re all very pretty, and I love them very much.    
Now I am trying my best to improve myself. Though I didn’t have a lot of working experience, I will try my best to learn. I hope that you can give me a chance.
Thank you!

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