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[10-10 21:23:58]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  专业简历范文   阅读:8767
概要:Background Education2003.10--2005.7 GuangDong BroadcastTV University, majored in Chinese Secretary.2000.9--2003.7 NanXiong No.1 high schoolWork Experience2005.11-- 2008.2.2 Worked in Guangzhou Triteams trade LTD.CO.,I am a sale manager, maily selling garment and accessories in the website, developing customers by myself and following customers'orders.2005.6 As a tutorship teacher in Guangzhou Chao Tian Loas Trusteeships Center.

Background Education

2003.10--2005.7 GuangDong BroadcastTV University, majored in Chinese Secretary.
2000.9--2003.7 NanXiong No.1 high school

Work Experience
2005.11-- 2008.2.2     Worked in Guangzhou Triteams trade LTD.CO.,I am a sale manager, maily selling garment and accessories in the website, developing customers by myself and following customers'orders.

2005.6            As a tutorship teacher in Guangzhou Chao Tian Loas Trusteeships Center.

2004.10--2004.11  Did part-time work in Haier Company, maily selling electronic products.

2004-4--2004-6    Worked as liberary assistant at school.

English Skill
Basic skills: Have a basic command of both spokend and written English.

Standard Test: Pasted CET-2 and joined CET-4.

Computer Abititee
Familiar with Windows, Word,Excel Etc computer operation.

Singing, Travelling, Sports, Reading.

Sel-motivated, Easygoing, get on well with others, careful in dealing with details, reponsibility.

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