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[10-10 21:23:13]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历范文   阅读:8951
概要:working experience:2003-9 to now Shumit Consultant Co,. English Interpreter and Translator2000-9 to 2003-09 HSBC Credit Analist 1998-09 to 2000-09 Lafarge Brass Roofing Co,. Ltd. Executive Secretary1996-09 to 1998-09 Yick Tse Consummer Products Co. Ltd. Executive Secretary1992-07 to 1996-09 Guangzhou Tourist Corporation English Interpreter and Translatoreducation Backgroud:1977-09 to 1982
working experience:
2003-9   to now       Shumit Consultant Co,.      English Interpreter and Translator
2000-9   to  2003-09   HSBC                       Credit Analist
1998-09  to  2000-09   Lafarge Brass Roofing  Co,. Ltd.   Executive Secretary
1996-09   to 1998-09   Yick Tse Consummer Products Co. Ltd.  Executive Secretary
1992-07  to 1996-09   Guangzhou Tourist Corporation    English Interpreter and Translator
education Backgroud:
1977-09  to 1982-07   Shibafubei Primary School     graduation certificate
1982-09  to 1988-09   Guangzhou No.1 Middle School  graduation certificate
1988-09  to 1992-07   Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages     Bachalor Degree in English

Language Ability:  
Foreign Languages:  English    excellent     French: as a second foreign language learning for 2 years
                   Manderin   excellent     Cantonese    excellent
cabilities and other experties:
I have strong working abilities.  As I have been working in state owned company and joint venture, I familiar with the operation of all kinds of departments within a same company. I graduate in English major, I am excellent in English, Manderin and Cantonese.  And I can communicate with different people in differen languages. I have been working in world famous companies, I  learned a lot and comply  different working experiences. I can communicate with different people  and I am willing to contribute to the society of what I have learned.  

Personal Background:
I have a all round training in English, including read, listen, spoken, writing. I have passed the grade 8 English language level test and I have a Bachelor degree in English.  And I have learned French as a second foreign languages for 2 years.
I major in Arts. I have good experience in economics, foreign relation and trade.
As a English interpreter and translator, I am confident in communicate with people and can eatablish good relation with different people.
As an Executive Secretary, I know how to manage a group of staff in differnt department within a company. I control the daily expenses in the company. I buy stationaries, air tickets and provide backup support for manager. I write letters and E mails to contact customers and explore new clients for trade and business.  
I intruduce Chinese culture and arts to foreigners. I promote trade and investment for investors.  
I describe myself as a responsible, young and resourceful person. I love music, fashion, movies and sports. I like travel all around the world and enjoy learn different cultures.  I am confident that I will be successful in my future career.

Contact address:
Rm. 502 No. 1-6. Penglai St. W., Penglai Rd., Guangzhou, 510150. China

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