[10-10 21:21:19] 来源:http://www.77xue.com 笔试题目 阅读:8384次
概要:For the following five questions you will be presented with one diagram depicting a workflow. Refer to the diagram in order to answer each of the questions.You will have 8 minutes to complete the 5 questions in this section.If you would like to take a break, please do so now. Clicking the button below will start your assessment.Score by selecting balls from a box with balls of two different colors such that if a particular ball is preceded by an
For the following five questions you will be presented with one diagram depicting a workflow. Refer to the diagram in order to answer each of the questions.
You will have 8 minutes to complete the 5 questions in this section.
If you would like to take a break, please do so now. Clicking the button below will start your assessment.
Score by selecting balls from a box with balls of two different colors such that if a particular ball is preceded by an even number of balls of the same color or an odd number of balls of the other color, the score advances by 1 until the SCORE reaches 20. Each ball has the attribute BALLCOLOR and the first color is called FIRSTCOLOR and the second color SECONDCOLOR. Store the number of balls of the first color in NUMFIRST and of the second color in NUMSECOND.
Tag:笔试题目,驾照笔试题目,腾讯笔试题目,求职指南 - 求职笔试面试 - 笔试题目
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