Please remember these are examples only, and as such there are no scoring or feedback mechanisms available with these practice questions.
Rating Statements
In this example you are asked to rate yourself on a number of phrases or statements. After reading each statement you would mark your answer according to the following rules:
Select circle 1 If you strongly disagree with the statement
Select circle 2 If you disagree with the statement
Select circle 3 If you are unsure
Select circle 4 If you agree with the statement
Select circle 5 If you strongly agree with the statement
The first statement has already been completed for you. The person has agreed that 'I enjoy meeting new people' is an accurate description of him/herself.
Now look at questions 2 to 5 yourself.
1 I enjoy meeting new people
2 I like helping people
3 I sometimes make mistakes
4 I'm easily disappointed
5 I enjoy repairing things
Making Choices
In this example you are given a block of four statements: A, B, C and D. Your task is to choose the statement which you think is most true or typical of you in your everyday behaviour and then choose the one which is least true or typical of you. Indicate your choices by clicking on the appropriate circle in the row marked 'M' (for Most) and in the next row 'L' (for Least).
The first block has been completed for you. The person has chosen, 'Enjoys organising people' as most true (or typical) and "Seeks variety" as being least true (or typical) of him/herself. Now look at questions 2, 3 and 4 yourself.
I am the sort of person who.......
1 A Has a wide circle of friends
B Enjoys organising people
C Relaxes easily
D Seeks variety
2 A Helps people with their problems
B Develops new approaches
C Has lots of energy
D Enjoys social activities
3 A Has lots of new ideas
B Feels calm
C Likes to understand things
D Is easy to get on with
4 A Enjoys organising events
B Sometimes gets angry
C Is talkative
D Resolves conflicts at work
The verbal questions which follow are multiple choice. For each question, you are given several possible answers. When you have selected your answer, click in the appropriate circle.
Verbal Example Questions
In this test you are given two passages, each of which is followed by several statements. Your task is to evaluate the statements in the light of the information or opinions contained in the passage and to select your answer according to these rules.
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