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[10-10 21:18:33]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  面试问题   阅读:8604
概要: 15:Say a little about teamwork. 16:Say a little about management. 17:How communication works in organizations? 18:Tell me the relationship between the management and management theroy. 19:What will you do if you cant find a job? 20:Do you think that the economy woll get better? 21:Who are you currently employed with? 22:What kind of opportunities are you looking for? 23:What is
    15:Say  a  little  about  teamwork. 16:Say  a  little  about  management. 17:How  communication  works  in  organizations?
    18:Tell  me  the  relationship  between  the  management  and  management  theroy. 19:What  will  you  do  if  you  cant  find  a  job?
    20:Do  you  think  that  the  economy  woll  get  better?
    21:Who  are  you  currently  employed  with?
    22:What  kind  of  opportunities  are  you  looking  for?
    23:What  is  your  biggest  accomplishment  on  the  job?
    24:What  jov  did  you  enjoy  the  most  and  why?
    25:What  would  your  fomer  boss  say  about  you?
    26:Why  did  you  leave  your  last  job?
    27:Why  did  you  tell  me  a  little  mor  about  your  working  history.Whats  kind  of  fields?
    28:Say  a  little  about  your  eductional  background. 29:What  are  your  strengths  and  weakness?
    30:What  do  you  do  in  your  spare  time?
    31:What’s  your  impression  of  Beijing?

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