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[10-10 21:17:43]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  面试问题   阅读:8135
概要:If you lack technical strength in a particular area don’t try and ‘smokescreen’ but admit; “no, that isn’t my strongest suit, but I’m sure it’s not going to be a problem to pick up”.Have a positive attitudeAbove all, don’t wait until after the event to decide that you wish you’d tried harder to get the position. Always go in with the intention of getting an offer, only then do you really

If you lack technical strength in a particular area don’t try and ‘smokescreen’ but admit; “no, that isn’t my strongest suit, but I’m sure it’s not going to be a problem to pick up”.

Have a positive attitudeAbove all, don’t wait until after the event to decide that you wish you’d tried harder to get the position. Always go in with the intention of getting an offer, only then do you really have the chance to weigh up how this opportunity compares with others. Many people, with the benefit of hindsight, have regretted they didn’t take a particular interview sufficiently seriously. Don’t let yourself be in this ‘if only’ category!

Some worthwhile questions

Finally, if you are given the chance to ask questions you should always take it. It’s best to ask questions that fit naturally into the context of the interview, and there is obviously no benefit in asking a previously prepared question if the subject matter has been adequately covered. It simply looks like you haven’t paid attention.

However, if inspiration fails you here are some suggestions which should give you the right impression:

• What is logical progression within the position, where can I expect to be if my performance is good?

• What are the future plans for the company and department?

• What, in your opinion, are the major reasons why someone should join this company?

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