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[10-10 21:17:03]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英语面试   阅读:8869
概要:* Will you fit into the company culture? They don't want prima donnas.你能融入企业文化吗?公司不想要自我本位的人。The best way to show these traits is to take the initiative and have several personal stories that you can tell, taking maybe 30 to 90 seconds each.展现这些特质的最好方法就是采取主动;准备几个合适的故事;每个故事讲述时间在30-90秒。You may want to start by developing your stories around these seven areas你也许希望从以下方面来构建你的故事:1. Times where you either made money or saved money for your current or

  * Will you fit into the company culture? They don't want prima donnas.

  The best way to show these traits is to take the initiative and have several personal stories that you can tell, taking maybe 30 to 90 seconds each.

  You may want to start by developing your stories around these seven areas

  1. Times where you either made money or saved money for your current or previous company.

  2. A crisis in your life or job and how you responded or recovered from it. www.77xue.com哦

  3. A time where you functioned as part of a team and what your contribution was.

  4. A time in your career or job where you had to overcome stress.

  5. A time in your job where you provided successful leadership or a sense of direction.

  6. A failure that occurred in your job and how you overcame it.

  7. Any seminal events that happened during your career to cause you to change direction and how that worked out for you.

  I want to emphasize that an interview should not be an interrogation. It should be a conversation between two equals. When you accomplish this you come away a step closer to your goal of landing the job you really want, because……

  It's the conversation that wins an interview, and it's the conversation that wins the job.

  To have a conversation, have your stories ready.

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Tag:英语面试英语自我介绍,英语面试问题求职指南 - 求职笔试面试 - 英语面试
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