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[10-10 21:14:23]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  商务英语   阅读:8117
概要:If you don't get an offer, be sure to immediately send a brief thank you note to every person you spoke with. Some companies make hiring decisions in a matter of days, but many can take weeks to make their final choice. 如果当场没有获得工作机会,记得要立即给每一位和你交谈过的人发一封简要的感谢信。虽然一些公司会在短短几天内做出招聘决定,但许多公司往往要花数周的时间才会做成决定。Be patient, be flexible and be ready for an offer or an invitation for yet another interview. 要耐心、灵活,为下一次工作机会或邀请做好准备。共2页: 上一页12下一页上一页 [1] [2]

  If you don't get an offer, be sure to immediately send a brief thank you note to every person you spoke with. Some companies make hiring decisions in a matter of days, but many can take weeks to make their final choice. 如果当场没有获得工作机会,记得要立即给每一位和你交谈过的人发一封简要的感谢信。虽然一些公司会在短短几天内做出招聘决定,但许多公司往往要花数周的时间才会做成决定。

  Be patient, be flexible and be ready for an offer or an invitation for yet another interview. 要耐心、灵活,为下一次工作机会或邀请做好准备。

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