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[10-10 21:14:23]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  礼仪英语   阅读:8426
概要:Inspiration: Web Designer 灵感:网络设计师Web designers create websites for everyone from individuals to large corporations. Their education can be just as varied, ranging from an associate's degree to a doctorate. Typically, the higher the degree, the better the position and the higher the pay. According to Robert Half International, Web designers earn a median annualwage ranging from $47,000 to $71,500.网络设计师的客户从个人到大型公司,帮他们设计网站。而网络工程师的教育程度也从大专文凭到博士不

Inspiration: Web Designer

Web designers create websites for everyone from individuals to large corporations. Their education can be just as varied, ranging from an associate's degree to a doctorate. Typically, the higher the degree, the better the position and the higher the pay. According to Robert Half International, Web designers earn a median annualwage ranging from $47,000 to $71,500.
网络设计师的客户从个人到大型公司,帮他们设计网站。而网络工程师的教育程度也从大专文凭到博士不等。但是一般说来,学历越高,职位越好,薪资越高。根据Robert Half International的调查显示,网络设计师的平均年薪从$47,000 到 $71,500.不等。

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