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初中优秀英语作文:my hobbies

[01-07 14:40:01]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  初中英语作文   阅读:8815
概要:All of us have hobbies. And our hobbies are changing all the time.I used to listen to music. Because I thought it could make me relaxed and happy. But now I don't enjoy it. I am interested in collecting stamps. These old stamps , some of them are of great value.I think it's very interesting. Do you think so? What's your hobby? Can you tell me?
初中优秀英语作文:my hobbies,标签:初中英语作文网,初中英语作文范文,http://www.77xue.com

All of us have hobbies. And our hobbies are changing all the time.

I used to listen to music. Because I thought it could make me relaxed and happy. But now I don't enjoy it. I am interested in collecting stamps. These old stamps , some of them are of great value.

I think it's very interesting. Do you think so? What's your hobby? Can you tell me?

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