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We need someone like Superman who can save Tony教案

[11-10 12:48:08]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:8619
概要:2. She means the one ________ was bought yesterday.3. Lily wants to have friends _______ are ready to help others.4. It is the important task _________ should be finished soon.5. Are you interested in the books __________ have many cartoons?6. You must thank the boy ________ found your purse.7. It’s the kind of music ________ you can dance to.8. My brother hates clothes __________ are unusual.9. It is a book _________ will help you a lot.10
We need someone like Superman who can save Tony教案,标签:初三英语教案,新目标九年级英语教案,http://www.77xue.com
2. She means the one ________ was bought yesterday.
3. Lily wants to have friends _______ are ready to help others.
4. It is the important task _________ should be finished soon.
5. Are you interested in the books __________ have many cartoons?
6. You must thank the boy ________ found your purse.
7. It’s the kind of music ________ you can dance to.
8. My brother hates clothes __________ are unusual.
9. It is a book _________ will help you a lot.
10. The two students _______ you taught three years ago are both in college now.
1.I like the ___________ (卡通英雄) like Superman and Batman.
2.The movie we saw yesterday is a story with a happy _______ (结局).
3.A friend always helps the people who are ______ (处于困境中)。
4.The cartoons I like have lots of _______ (笑话)。
5. That’s ______ (好消息). Let’s tell Mr. Li about it.

We need someone like Superman who can save Tony教案由www.77xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.77xue.com

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