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[06-21 12:21:55]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  高一英语教案   阅读:8787
概要: Unit 7 Cultural relics<?Period 1 Listening and speakingTeaching aims:1. To train the Ss’ listening ability.2. To improve the Ss’ speaking ability.3. To know something about some famous places.4. To talk about the ways of how to protect cultural relics. Important points:Learn to talk about cultural relics Difficult point:How to improve the Ss’ listening ability Teaching methods:1. Listening and answering ac

Unit 7 Cultural relics<?

Period 1 Listening and speaking

Teaching aims:

1.     To train the Ss’ listening ability.

2.     To improve the Ss’ speaking ability.

3.     To know something about some famous places.

4.     To talk about the ways of how to protect cultural relics.


Important points:

Learn to talk about cultural relics


Difficult point:

How to improve the Ss’ listening ability


Teaching methods:

1.     Listening and answering activity to help the Ss get the meaning of the listening.

2.     Pair work to practice speaking.


Teaching aids : Computer & recorder


Teaching procedures:


Students’  activities

Teacher’s  activities

Step 1 Revision

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