[01-26 14:20:55] 来源:http://www.77xue.com 考研试题 阅读:8331次
概要:34. Although there was not a deliberate effort to discriminate sex, it was clear that the opportunities for girls to take CDT or for boys to take home economics were severely limited by the way the curriculum was organized.A. to B. from C. in favor of D. on the grounds of 35. The diffusion of power among so many governments, and from them to non-state authorities makes
34. Although there was not a deliberate effort to discriminate sex, it was clear that the opportunities for girls to take CDT or for boys to take home economics were severely limited by the way the curriculum was organized.
A. to B. from C. in favor of D. on the grounds of
35. The diffusion of power among so many governments, and from them to non-state authorities makes it more difficult for policy-makers to take .
A. the long, more social and economical enlightened view
B. the long, more socially and economically enlightened view
C. the long, more social and economical enlightening view
D. the long, more socially and economically enlightening view
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