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[01-26 14:21:03]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  考研试题   阅读:8922
概要:66. which of the following would be the best title for this passage? A. Motivation and Progress in Second Language Acquisition B. Relationship between Language and Culture C. Socioculturalists’ Approach to Second Language Acquisition D. The Importance of Second Language Acquisition67. What does the author want to prove by giving Lambert’s research founding in the second paragraph? A. French Canadian bilinguals in Canada were more like

66. which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
   A. Motivation and Progress in Second Language Acquisition
   B. Relationship between Language and Culture  
   C. Socioculturalists’ Approach to Second Language Acquisition
   D. The Importance of Second Language Acquisition
67. What does the author want to prove by giving Lambert’s research founding in the second paragraph?
   A. French Canadian bilinguals in Canada were more likely to be advanced academically in French schools than in English schools.
   B. French Canadian bilinguals do better than English Canadian bilinguals when their elementary school courses are conducted in French in Canada.
   C. French Canadian bilinguals develop a more diversified and more flexible intelligence than English Canadian bilinguals in French schools in Canada.
   D. Bilingual children hold some social and psychological advantages in schools.
68. What does the author mainly discuss in the third paragraph?
   A. Relationship between Language and Cultural Values
   B. Cultural and Social Influence in Second Language Acquisition
   C. The Importance of Motivation in Second Language Acquisition
   D. The Advantages of Additive Billingualism and Disadvantages of Subtractive Billingualism
69. What does the word “attrition” in line 14 in the third paragraph mean?
   A. subtraction
   B. addition
   C. attribution
   D. restoration
70. This passage would most likely be assigned for reading in a course in _________.
   A. Sociology
   B. Linguistics
   C. Communications
   D. The Psychology of Language

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