外语系2017届毕业生毕业论文题目外语系开题报告 毕业
1、 语言类
1。 The Importance of Oral English
2。 A Comparative Study of American English and British English
3。 The Characteristics of Spoken English
4。 Formal and Informal English
5。 On English- Chinese and Chinese- English Translation
6。 The Function of Figurative Language
7。 Body Language –An Important Means of Communication
8。 Colloquial English and Written English
9。 Linguistic Study of Journalistic Language
10。 The Characteristics of Business English
11。 The Function of Grammar in English Acquisition
12。 The Application of English Euphemisms
13。 Similarities and Dissimilarities between Chinese and English
14。 Basic Characteristics of Business Letters
15。 A Linguistic Comparison Between Business English and Literary English
16。 The Main Differences Between American English and British English
17。 Adjustment of Syntactic Components for Forcibleness and Impressiveness
18。 The Word BUT in Negation
19。 A Study of Nominal Relative Clauses
20。 The Expressive Function of the Continuous Tense in English
21。 The Characteristics of Scientific English
22。 The Characteristics of English Journalism
23。 The Function of English Idioms
24。 English Idioms and Chinese Idioms-----A Comparative Study
25。 English and Chinese Sound Systems-----A Comparative Study
26。 On English Rhetorical Devices
27。 How the English Language Creates New Words
28。 How the English Language Enlarges Its Vocabulary
29。 How Journalistic English Shortens Its Words
30。 The Witty Use of Conversion in English Journalism
31。 The Witty Use of Compounding in English Journalism
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