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[10-10 21:35:27]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  毕业论文参考文献   阅读:8565
概要:毕业论文AbstractTitanium ore, elected from magnetite or Titan magnetite, is widely used as the raw material in the production of titanium dioxide. Titanium quality and its yield constraints is often the bottle neck in the titanium industry. Thus, we can not blindly consume a large amount of capital to maintain or improve its quality and yield. This paper makes an attempt to explores and optimize the development of the titanium industry, through insid


Titanium ore, elected from magnetite or Titan magnetite, is widely used as the raw material in the production of titanium dioxide. Titanium quality and its yield constraints is often the bottle neck in the titanium industry. Thus, we can not blindly consume a large amount of capital to maintain or improve its quality and yield. This paper makes an attempt to explores and optimize the development of the titanium industry, through inside and outside observation and association. In this paper, flotation tests are conducted to compare the original pulp titanium ore with Polyacrylamide and that without on the concentrate grade yield of titanium concentrates. In this process, the consumption of drugs, the recovery rate of , equipment utilization, the amount and cost of polyacrylamide (PAM) are all considered to determine whether it is a ptimization program to add Polyacrylamide to the original flotation pulp of titanium ore. Finally, we reach a conclusion through relevant data .In the experimental process, in principle, we do not change the original flotation process and the relevant parameters.

Key words: Titanium ore; Flotation; Polyacrylamide; quality; yield、

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