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《大侦探福尔摩斯2》经典台词总结 中英文双译

[01-20 14:45:53]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  经典台词   阅读:8799
概要: 福尔摩斯已经成了一个代表睿智、正义的符号,尽管这个人物如同孙悟空一样是虚构出来的,但是这不妨碍他成为人们心目中的偶像...总结了一些大侦探福尔摩斯中英文台词,分享给喜欢这部剧的朋友,喜欢就转走吧~1、活要见人 死要见尸Dead or Alive. 2、暴风雨就要来了 A storm is coming3、别满嘴跑火车了 先生There raunii leaves. 4、藏着能让我自由的钥匙is found the key to my issue. 5、继续咬文嚼字吧 Just a simple expression. 6、我们有神力护体 As you can see, we protect. 7、罪犯当道 请保持理智 Crime is common. Logic, but is rare. 8、我不想再逃亡了 I do not want to run more9、秘密就藏在魔法书之中 secret is in the
《大侦探福尔摩斯2》经典台词总结 中英文双译,标签:电影经典台词,经典台词大全,http://www.77xue.com


1、活要见人 死要见尸
Dead or Alive.
A storm is coming
3、别满嘴跑火车了 先生
There raunii leaves.
is found the key to my issue.
Just a simple expression.
As you can see, we protect.
7、罪犯当道 请保持理智
Crime is common. Logic, but is rare.
I do not want to run more
secret is in the green spells.
I know you like him so much like me.
The key to an immeasurable power.
You have been an ally.
The grand finale ... but simple. To create a new future.
We will rebuild the world. We create the future.
15、人之常情嘛 - 所以我觉得现代宗教狂热很烦人
That's why this bothers me modern religious fanaticism.
16、线索 线索 线索 没线索我咋办案啊
Facts, facts, facts. I can create bricks without clay.
17、明日正午 世界将于此刻终结
tomorrow at noon, the world will end i. ..
18、他将召唤出一股 能彻底改变世界的力量 ...
power that will change the course of history
As can be terrible wisdom, when not bring any gain wise.
20、我从远方的坟墓中归来 是为了改变英格兰的命运
I returned from the grave to fulfill the destiny of England
There was little magic. Just a few tricks prestigious
22、你和我 踏入一场 即将扭转世界的漫漫旅程 
We will embark on a journey that will become the structure of nature. 
23、像所有伟大的演员 你演得惟妙惟肖经典语录大全 http://www.77xue.com
Like all great actors, you have kept Part of the final resistance.
24、我会用恐惧作为武器来控制他们... 然后控制全世界...
I will use as a weapon and to control them ... and then the world.
25、我将开创一个千秋万代 ,不可战胜 永恒不朽的帝国
Three minutes and ten seconds. You create an empire that lasted through the millennia. Indestructible and eternal.
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