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[10-10 21:39:18]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  个人简历模板   阅读:8120
概要: 个人技能: ●熟悉和经常关注国际和国内政治、时事动态和经济事务。 ●良好的英语听、说、读、写能力。通过大学英语四级(CET-4)、精通政治、时事、经济、贸易、军事英语,且能够熟练撰写英文报告或材料; ●熟练掌握电脑基本操作技术。包括WINDOWS2000、XP操作系统、WORD、 EXCEL、POWERPOINT以及INTERNET网络等操作; ●持有国家英语四级(CET-4)、BEC(剑桥商务证书)、电脑证、会计证、报税员证; 业余爱好: ●本人热爱羽毛球、乒乓球、足球等球类运动。 详细个人自传
●熟练掌握电脑基本操作技术。包括WINDOWS2000、XP操作系统、WORD、  EXCEL、POWERPOINT以及INTERNET网络等操作;
●本人热爱羽毛球、乒乓球、足球等球类运动。    详细个人自传   个性特点:
English Name : Michael
Chinese Name: Dong-rong JI
Cellphone : (8620)335072xx、13640222xxx

●Representative(Clerk) of multinational corporation in China
●Assistant manager
●Assistant of multinational bank
●Representative of commerce
●Assistant of foreign trade

(1)Guangzhou International Federal Company (Representative)
●in charge of logistic and inspection
●in charge of resourcing

(2)Guangzhou Hanglian Chemical  Co., Ltd  (Assistant Manager)
From Jan, 2004
●in charge of discussing business&transactions with the government
●in charge of the finance transfer&operate, and relative banking  business
●in charge of interior business of the company with manager
●keep contact with customers and dispose their affairs

(3)Guangzhou FengYang Street Office in Haizhu District (Secretary)
From Jan, 2002 to Dec, 2003
●in charge of security management in businesses
●in charge of administration in financial department
●arrange the environmental security examination
●arrange the checkup about business license with business administration

(4)Guangzhou branch of China telecom (Clerk)
From Dec, 1999 to Dec, 2001
●in charge of the business between China mobile and China telecom
●in charge of the business of cash flow about telephone and cellphone
●deal with a new application of the customers
●participate a special training about “how to be a excellent seller”

2007 up to now  Guangdong University of Technology,major in International Economics& Trade

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