[10-10 21:39:18] 来源:http://www.77xue.com 个人简历模板 阅读:8120次
概要: 1997-1999 Guangzhou University,major in International Finance SKILLS: ●Be familiar with and care for international and domestic political affairs 、current events and economical activity. ●Excellent in English listening、speaking、reading and writing.Familiar with English for politics、current events、economics、foreign trade and military affairs.Be able to write English reports and materials.
1997-1999 Guangzhou University,major in International Finance
●Be familiar with and care for international and domestic political affairs 、current events and economical activity.
●Excellent in English listening、speaking、reading and writing.Familiar with English for politics、current events、economics、foreign trade and military affairs.Be able to write English reports and materials.
●Familiar with basic operation of the computer(Windows XP、Office、Internet etc.)
●Certificates:CET-4、BEC(Business Economic Certificate), Driver's License, The Certificate of Declare Dutiable Goods、Accounting Certificate
●High ability in communication with others
●Strong spirit in team collaboration
●With responsibility for self job
●Like to accept new challenges
●Always be concerned with international and domestic affairs,and always care for economic activity in the world
●Like to play Football, Music, and badminton. 个人联系方式 通讯地址: 联系电话: 家庭电话: 手 机: 13688888888 QQ号码: 电子邮件: 个人主页:
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