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[10-10 21:39:18]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  个人简历模板   阅读:8279



曾获《诗参考》“十年成就奖”暨“经典作品奖”、《山花》20xx度诗歌奖、首届“明天额尔古纳”中国诗歌双年展“双年诗人奖”等多种奖项。曾当选为《文友》《女友》评选的“读者最喜爱的十佳诗人”(1993)、《世界汉语诗刊》评选的“当代十大青年诗人”(1998)、《羊城晚报》《诗歌月刊》等多家媒体评选的“中国当代十大新锐诗人”(2007)。曾应邀出席第16届瑞典奈舍国际诗歌节、第38届荷兰鹿特丹国际诗歌节、第8、9、10届亚洲诗人大会、首届昆明“中国-北欧诗歌周”等国际交流活动。自上世纪80年代末迄今,一直活跃在中国诗坛上,引人瞩目也饱受争议,是非官方反学 院的“民间写作”的代表诗人。

On May 19, 1966, Yi Sha (Wu Wen Jian) was born in Cheng Du City, Sichuan Province. In 1989 he graduated from Beijing Teacher's University with a degree in Chinese Language and Literature. He currently lives in the city of Xian in Shanxisheng Province and teaches in Mou University. His major published works include: (Poetry) Starving Poets The Spirit of Yisha UntamedSong I Finally Understood Your Refusal Yisha's Selected Poems My Hero  The Chariot Crossed the Yellow River (Long Poem) Tang (Criticsim, a collaboration) A Critique of Ten Poets (Prose and Essays) A City Not Let Go Being Compelled to Live a Live of Debauchery Ignorant, Shameless (Short Stories) Happiness that Common People Don't Understand Who Knows Who Aches (Novels) Beautiful Woman, Beautiful Land EcstasyChina's Past (Translations) Yi Sha, A Short Collection (English)-- Project of Soul and Flesh (Hebrew) Poems by Yisha from the 38th Jie Rotterdam International Poetry Festival (Dutch) He has had the good fortune to also have works published in Swedish and other languages. His past prizes and awards include: (Poetry Reference Works) "10 Year Achievement Award" "Classical Works Award' (Shan Hua) "2000 Years Poetry Award"(First Prize) "Tomorrow You Receive the Ancient" "Annual Chinese New Year Exhibition"and several other such awards. (Feminist) "A Reader of Twenty Beautiful Poets" 1993;(Journal of Chinese Language) "Anthology of Ten Modern Young Poets 1998; (Cheng Yang Newspaper) (Poetry Monthly) by popular acclaim "Ten Vital Young Poets of Da Xin" 2007;Invitation to the 16th Swedish International Poetry Festival, the 39th Dutch International Poetry Festival, the 8th, 9th, and 10th Asia Poetry Conference, first Kunming "China and Northern Europe Poetry Week" with alternate locations. Yi Sha has been very active in the Chinese poetry circle from 1980's till now. Being very popular and controversial at the same time, he is considered a representative poet of the "Folk Style Writing" which is anti-standard and anti-academia.


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