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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8556
概要:会计财务英文简历I was born on December 6, 1967 in Shijiazhuang, the largest city in Hebei, China. I lived there until completion of senior high school study in 1984. In September 1984, I was admitted to Tianjin Finance and Economics College after successful performance in the competitive college entrance examination. In the four years that followed, I studied in the Department of Accounting and Statistics of that college and obtained a diploma in June 19

会计财务英文简历I was born on December 6, 1967 in Shijiazhuang, the largest city in Hebei, China. I lived there until completion of senior high school study in 1984.

In September 1984, I was admitted to Tianjin Finance and Economics College after successful performance in the competitive college entrance examination. In the four years that followed, I studied in the Department of Accounting and Statistics of that college and obtained a diploma in June 1988.

In August 1988. I began to work in business and was an assistant at Da Xing Enterprise Corp. Since November 1980, I have been working with Electronic Memories

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